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NieuwsGeomatics Day 2017

Geomatics Day 2017

Donderdag 22 juni 2017Afbeelding Geomatics Day 2017

Geomatics Day 2017
June 23, TU Delft

Point Clouds & Internet of Things

Only three weeks to go for Geomatics Day 2017 on June 23 at TU Delft. The full programme is ready now! 
Geomatics Day is an afternoon full of presentations, demo’s and ample time for networking.
This year’s keynote is by Geomatics Visiting Professor Thomas H. Kolbe (TUM) on “Internet of Things & Smart City Modelling”.
The first block of short presentations focusses on ‘Point Clouds data collection, processing and Application” with contributions from Cyclomedia, Fugro, 3D-Geoinfo, and ESRI.
The second block of short presentations contains a mix of Point Cloud and Internet of Things for Smart Cities with contributions from CGI, Tensing, Alliander, SWECO and TNO.

During the lunch, break and drinks ample time is available to enjoy the stands (sponsors) and for networking!

Register now for free through to secure a place at this event!

Note : Sorry for cross-posting. If you have already registered feel free to forward this message in your network!

The programme:

12.30 – 13.00 Welcome with lunch 
13.00 – 13.30 Keynote : Visiting Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe, Geoinformatics, TU Munich
13.30 – 14.30    Point Cloud Collection, Construction and ApplicationsBart Beers (Cyclomedia) : Large scale production and application of point cloud data at CycloMediaMartin Kodde (Fugro) : From Point Cloud to Digital Twin
Ravi Peters (TU Delft / 3D Geoinfo) : Point cloud challenges and opportunities
Niels van der Vaart (ESRI) : Drone2MapRob, Kotryna & Niek (GEOS) : Geomatics Study Association
14.30 – 15.30  Networking break with various stands and demos3D scan car (Advin) – Energy Networks (Alliander) – BLE tracking (CGI) – Point Clouds construction (Cyclo- media) – Point Clouds Collection (Fugro)– ZEB Revo (Geometius) – Sensor Networks (Sweco) – Geoinfor- mation Apps (Tensing) – Secondment (Voort) – Drone2Map (ESRI) – Student Association (GEOS) 
15.30 – 17.00     Internet of Things & Smart City ModellingRobert Voûte (CGI) : (3D) visualization and simulation. A use case: Accidents in Rail, model with a drone.Tom Broersen (Tensing) : Wizards and Point Clouds
Peter de Koning (Alliander) : Smart Grids & Outage Management
Rosann Aarsen (SWECO) : IoT for Smart Cities : Sweco’s attractiveness as an employer Leon van Berlo (TNO) : BIM & CityGMLGeomatics Synthesis Projects & Closing
17.00 – 18.00 Drinks

We hope to welcome you at this astonishing event! If you haven’t registered yet, please do so before June 19 so we can order adequate lunch and drinks!

Location: Oost-serre (Orange Room), Eastwing, Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment